As you may have noticed at Beatons we enjoy books and something that is very important to us is engaging with and supporting the many wonderful local authors we have around our tearooms. Each month we’re going to introduce you to some of the authors that may be a lot closer to home than you’d think and who’s books we’re proud to stock!

Local resident Sarah is passionate about the behaviour and welfare of the domestic cat. Holding a degree in Zoology and Psychology, Post-Graduate Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling and PhD in Feline Behaviour, she spent 8 years as a research scientist, investigating first hand, novel ways to improve cats’ lives. She now works for international animal welfare charity ‘International Cat Care’ educating the public and animal professionals to improve the lives of domestic cats globally. Sarah’s an experienced speaker, scientific writer and has had several TV appearances - perhaps her most well-known being as one of the crack team on BBC Horizon's 'The Secret Life of the Cat. 'The Trainable Cat' which she co-authored with anthrozoologist John Bradshaw, is her first published works for the general public.
Sophia Moseley published her first children’s book The Adventures of Charlie in 2012; a book of four short adventure stories that the younger reader will love; from dragons to goblins and tooth fairies to Father Christmas. Sophia also runs creative writing workshops in schools across the south-west and enjoys nothing more than dipping into her poetry writing when she finds a spare moment.
Her non-fiction work has appeared in a number of magazines, both local and national including Dorset Life Magazine and Archant Press’ Dorset Magazine and Woman’s Weekly.