Tuesday 5 September 2017

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Book of the Month

'The real-life children's fairy tale book so inspiring adults are reading it' 
'Absolutely beautiful - get one for yourself and one to inspire a woman in your life'
'In an ideal world, not only would mothers read this aloud to their daughters, but teachers would read it to schoolboys'  
These are just some of the quotes  describing this brilliant and original book.
Illustrated by sixty female artists from all over the world, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls introduces us to a hundred  extraordinary women, who have achieved amazing things, from Ada Lovelace to Malala, Amelia Earhart to Michelle Obama.
Inspirational and empowering, these are true fairy tales of heroines who definitely don't need rescuing.
A lesson we would all want our daughters to learn, women do not wait on a ‘Prince Charming’ to rescue them! Girls can do anything if they have strength, integrity, bravery and perseverance to follow their dreams!